TEAM GEORGIA CAREERS A world of opportunity.


Department of Transportation


Vision: Boost Georgia’s competitiveness via leadership in transportation.

Mission: Deliver a transportation system focused on innovation, safety, sustainability, and mobility.

The Georgia Department of Transportation, an agency with a distinctive culture of innovation and collaboration, meets the goals of the vision and mission by offering a wide variety of careers and employs a team of employees dedicated to serving the Citizens of Georgia and traveling public. This diverse workforce includes engineers designing bridges, interstates, and roadways to maintenance and HERO operators. GDOT also offers other administrative and professional support roles.

The Department has a continuous recruitment for Civil Engineers, Construction Management Engineers, Highway Emergency Response Operators (HEROs) and Maintenance Labor Workers.

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OMAT (District 2- Tennille, GA) TRT050 Transportation Tech 1 (PG-G) Materials Technician

Transportation, Georgia Department of - GDOT
Thanks for your interest in the OMAT (District 2- Tennille, GA) TRT050 Transportation Tech 1 (PG-G) Materials Technician position. Unfortunately this position has been closed but you can search our 1,336 open jobs by clicking here.
High school diploma/GED.

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